As a branch of dentistry, oral surgery deals with the diagnosis and treatment of dental surgical procedures. Dr. Alavi is a specialist dentist for oral surgery and our specialist when it comes to oral surgical treatments. In the field of oral surgery we concentrate on the gentle removal of teeth, surgical root canal treatment and the removal of cysts in the maxillary sinus. For our patients, this specialisation means – even in the case of special procedures – that they only have one contact person during the duration of the treatment.

Tooth removal

Occasionally it is necessary to pull teeth to improve the overall oral situation. In order to remove teeth and especially wisdom teeth as gently and gently as possible, many years of experience, sensitivity and dexterity are decisive criteria.

The most common tooth removal in our practice is wisdom tooth removal. It is a surgical procedure that requires a great deal of oral surgical sensitivity and good imaging diagnostics to ensure gentle treatment. Wisdom tooth removal – also known as osteotomy – is performed under local anesthesia. Due to the size of the operation, the wound must be sutured.

The more minimally invasive and careful we work, the lower the swelling will be and the faster you will recover. Treat yourself to rest after the treatment – this also contributes decisively to your recovery and thus also to your well-being!

The removal of a tooth is called extraction. We carry out tooth extractions in our practice under local anaesthesia. In order to work as gently and tissue-friendly as possible, the affected tooth is not simply pulled out, but gradually loosened by gentle movements and very carefully levered out.

If a later implantation is planned, we can already build up the bone and gums during the extraction in order to create perfect conditions for the implant treatment. With this procedure we save our patients the separate step of pre-treatment.

What to consider

When a tooth is extracted, the next steps should be planned very carefully in advance, as the bone begins to decompose shortly after extraction. The longer a tooth gap remains untreated, the greater the extent of bone loss. In order to avoid this and to rule out later time-consuming bone augmentation work, the gap should therefore usually be filled with an implant within six to eight weeks.

Dr. med. dent. Arzhang Alavi

Surgical Root Canal Treatment

In very rare cases, surgical root canal treatment may be necessary if conventional root canal treatment is no longer sufficient. It is the last possibility to save your own sick teeth.

Bacterial inflammatory foci, which have already penetrated into the root apex via the tooth nerve, must be eliminated permanently in order to prevent the loss of the tooth. In a root canal treatment, the root canals are cleaned from the inside via the tooth surface. In a root tip resection, the part of the root tip that could not be cleaned sufficiently via the root canal is surgically removed. The canal is then microsurgically filled with a biocompatible material – with the aid of the surgical microscope – under sight.

By the way: This procedure is extremely rarely performed in our practice, as we achieve success rates of almost 98 percent with conservative root canal treatment for our patients. It is not always classical surgery that brings the greatest success. Often, minimally invasive treatments are just as effective.

For maximum treatment success, we use a surgical microscope with 12x magnification for this method. The oral surgery is performed through a lateral windowing of the gums and thus allows access to the diseased area. First, we surgically shorten the exposed root tip(s); the surrounding infected tissue is also removed. Ultrasound is used to prepare and clean the root canals over the root tips. At the end of the treatment, we close the tooth to prevent bacteria and suture the wound area.

The healing of bone and tooth is checked over a period of several months using x-rays.

Cyst removal

Cysts can in principle – depending on their origin or cause – be classified as harmless. Nevertheless, a jaw cyst should be treated immediately as it displaces healthy bone and can therefore seriously damage the teeth.

Types of cysts

If a tooth is the cause for the development of the jaw cyst, it is an odontogenic cyst. Usually a bacterial infection of the root canal system is the starting point. The radicular cyst is the most common form with almost 80 percent. The inflammation can be chronic or acute. Odontogenic cysts can also develop as a result of development. A misdevelopment of teeth can also be responsible for the formation of cysts. These cases are follicular cysts. A non-odontogenic cyst is always referred to when the cyst has formed from the tissue in the jaw. By the way: Men are more frequently affected than women and cysts occur primarily in younger to middle age.

Cyst formation

A cyst is a cavity lined with a shell, which is filled with liquid or – much more rarely – with gas. Cysts are harmless in themselves, but not what they can cause: Since a cyst is self-contained, it cannot drain away. As a result, it increases in volume. The larger a cyst is, the more it displaces the jawbone and the surrounding tissue. A cyst does not hurt. The lack of symptoms makes it difficult to recognize the cyst. It is usually discovered by chance during X-ray diagnosis.

Treatment of cysts

In our practice there are two treatment methods available to remove cysts: cystectomy and cystostomy.
In cystectomy we remove the cyst completely surgically. The resulting cavity is usually filled with blood and regenerates itself. If necessary, the cavity can also be filled with bone substitute material. At the end of the treatment, the wound is always sutured.
If a cyst cannot be removed because it is located, for example, in the area of the nasal or maxillary sinus or a tooth worth preserving, we apply the cystostomy. In these cases we open the cyst so that the secretion can run off. The opening is not sutured to allow the bone to regenerate gradually over time.