With a root canal treatment the interior of the tooth, the so-called endodontic, is treated. The soft tissue inside the tooth is called pulp. A root canal treatment is always necessary when the pulp has become inflamed or infected.
Read symptoms correctly
Usually a hot/cold sensitivity or also a strong bite or knocking pain is perceived first. Swelling or severe pressure pain in the area of the gums can also indicate inflammation. A dark discoloration of the teeth could also be an indication of inflammation or a failed root canal treatment.
Root fillings may need to be renewed for a variety of reasons. With the help of modern techniques it is possible to carry out the so-called revision of root canal treatments.
New procedures for your security
The conventional technique is usually used to treat only part of the main root canal. Very often, however, the root canals are overlooked. The consequence is that bacteria colonize the root canal system again after a short time and a new infection occurs. We can avoid this with the methods of modern root canal treatment.

Our treatment approach
The filigree root canal system – comparable to a tree root with many fine branches – is perfectly cleaned under an operating microscope and disinfected and prepared with rinsing solutions activated by ultrasound. Instruments, some of which are only 0.06 mm fine, are used. The flammably modified tissue, bacteria and toxic substances are thereby removed. Finally, the root canal system is filled three-dimensionally with gutta-percha – a material related to natural rubber – and an adhesive cement using a complex technique. The aim is to avoid cavities in order to rule out a new infection.