We look forward to seeing you!
You are in the right place if you need an appointment for prevention, check-ups or surgery, or if your dentist or doctor has referred you to us for special treatment.
Because it is important for us to have enough time for each patient, we work with fixed appointments. By keeping your appointment, you help us to ensure a smooth workflow and reduce waiting times to a minimum.
Should you not be able to make an appointment, please let us know in good time so that we can reschedule. If you are late, we would be grateful for a short call so that we can prepare ourselves accordingly.
phone hours
Dear patients,
You can reach us as follows:
Monday – Thursday
08:30 – 12:00 am
13:00 – 16:30 pm
08:30 – 12:00 am
Silvana Trovato
I have been the receptionist and good soul in our practice since 2010. Since all the threads come together at my reception, the first contact and every subsequent communication always takes place through me. In my work, it is particularly important to me that you feel well looked after and well cared for. And I give my best for this every day!
Munich’s finest Dentistry
Dr. Farhud Mortazavi
Dr. Arzhang Alavi, Oralchirurgie
Residenzstr. 3
80333 München
Telefon 089 890 833 80
Telefax 089 890 833 818
Phone hours
Monday – Thursday
08:30 – 12:00 am
13:00 – 16:30 pm
08:30 – 12:00 am